Using the wind and rain to make outdoor play fun
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Using the wind and rain to make outdoor play fun
weatherplay harnesses the wind and rain to make outdoor play fun in all weathers.
Baineann weatherplay leas as an aimsir chun spraoi agus spóirt a bheith againn amuigh sa doineann.
Jeni Roddy
Kristyn Fontanella
Since 2016, artists have worked with the experts in play - children! - to imagine and design weather-interactive games and play installations.
Tá ealaíontóirí ag obair le gasúir na Gaillimhe chun cluichí agus fearais a chumadh a bhaineann úsáid as an ngaoth agus an bháisteach le gur féidir spraoi a bhaint as an aimsir.
Browse some of the WeatherPlay design concepts we’ve collected from participants.
Breathnaigh ar coincheapanna spraoi leis an aimsir ar bhailigh muid ó rannpháirtithe.
Ríonach Ní Néill & Blánaid Ní Nuanáin
Hope It Rains | Soineann nó Doineann is created and curated by Ríonach Ní Néill, produced by Ciotóg, and commissioned by Galway 2020, European Capital of Culture.
Hope It Rains | Soineann nó Doineann arna chruthú ag Ríonach Ní Néill, arna léiriú ag Ciotóg, arna choimisiúnú ag Gaillimh 2020, Príomhchathair Chultúir na hEorpa.
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